## Automated container updates with GitHub and CoreOS * * * Texas Linux Fest 2024 [Major Hayden](https://major.io/) ---- ### First time using reveal.js! > If something breaks,
please don't laugh **too** loudly. 🤭 ---- ## Why am I doing this talk? My excitement and enthusiasm around containers
_cannot be contained._ # 🫣 ---- ## My goals today 🥳 Make you excited about containers and CoreOS ️♻️ Show how to keep container deployments
updated for (almost) free 📚 Point to resources for more learning 💸 Do everything on a tiny budget ---- ## Have questions? I love questions. 💕 I promise I'll save time
for questions at the end! ---- ## Who am I? Worked in tech for 20 years Currently focused on RHEL in the public cloud Traveled down technical and manager career tracks Survived a period of time in information security Owner of too many domain names ---- 🤫
Please don't give me any ideas
for more domain names. (My wife thanks you in advance.) 💕 --- ## What are containers
and why do they exist? ---- ## Containers are: A method for separating workloads
on the same server Using the same kernel as the host Kept within CPU, memory,
and other limits you specify Shipped as images (tarballs) ---- ## Containers are: Very fast when starting up At the core of Kubernetes and OpenShift Great for desktops, laptops,
cloud instances and servers Easily signed with [cosign](https://github.com/sigstore/cosign) for integrity checking ---- ## Containers are not: Virtual machines A replacement for virtual machines Good for every application ---- ## Containers usually have: A basic userspace from an OS Additional OS packages or
language-specific packages/modules Your application Initial startup instructions Note: Configuration NOT included. ---- ## Building containers ```dockerfile # Start from an existing base container FROM docker.io/library/python:latest # Copy in the application COPY my_app.py /app # Add some extra Python modules RUN pip install flask # Run the application when the container starts ENTRYPOINT ["/app/my_app.py"] ``` ---- # Time out  ---- ## ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Always build your container from an image
that you trust and have verified. You are bringing that base image into
contact with your application and its data. ---- ### What do containers have to do with kubernetes? I hear about kubernetes ***a lot.*** ---- Kubernetes helps with orchestrating containers and other resources along with all of their dependencies. ---- Someone once said: > "If you have a problem with containers, try kubernetes. > > Then you have two problems." --- ## What is CoreOS
and why does it exist? * * *  ---- # Not this  ---- The Fedora marketing team has
the most concise summary:  ---- CoreOS lets you focus heavily on your container workloads with much less focus on the OS itself. ----  Updates are atomic, much like an Android phone. It's ready to run containers from the first boot. Although you _can_ install packages in the OS,
you should use [toolbx](https://containertoolbx.org/) instead. Goodbye, cloud-init. Hello, [ignition](https://coreos.github.io/ignition/)! ---- ### Enough explanation!
Let's build stuff! # 🚧 🏗️ 👷♂️ --- ## The plan * * * 1. Deploy a [librespeed](https://librespeed.org/) speed test server 2. Put the [caddy](https://caddyserver.com/) web server in front of it 3. [Connect caddy to Porkbun](https://major.io/p/caddy-porkbun/) to manage DNS records for certificates 4. Automated updates for all! 🎉 ---- I'll use [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose) for these examples,
but you can also use [quadlets](https://major.io/p/quadlets-replace-docker-compose/)!  --- ## Librespeed A super basic speed test server  ---- Start with a very basic docker-compose.yml file: ```yaml services: librespeed: image: docker.io/adolfintel/speedtest container_name: librespeed environment: - MODE=standalone restart: unless-stopped ``` We're using the latest available librespeed container. ---- Librespeed is up and ready to go! What about those updates? # 🤔 --- Hello, watchtower!  ---- [Watchtower](https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower) monitors for container repository updates and keeps our containers updated locally. ```yaml # Add to docker-compose.yaml under services watchtower: image: docker.io/containrrr/watchtower:latest container_name: watchtower volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock restart: unless-stopped privileged: true ``` See my [watchtower blog post](https://major.io/p/watchtower/) for more details. ---- Watchtower optionally sends [notifications](https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/notifications/) for container updates, too.  ---- Watchtower will keep our librespeed container updated, but we're missing a web server. 🤔 It's time to get our web server deployed. --- ## Caddy Caddy gets TLS certificates for you automatically
via HTTP or DNS validation. Caddy doesn't support Porkbun's DNS API,
but there's a [plugin](https://github.com/caddy-dns/porkbun) for it. 🐷 We will need to build our own container
(and keep that build updated). ---- Container build file for Caddy ```docker # Use the base caddy image with build tools FROM caddy:2.7.6-builder AS builder # Build the Porkbun plugin RUN xcaddy build \ --with github.com/caddy-dns/porkbun # Copy over our newly built caddy to a fresh container # (Makes container images smaller) FROM caddy:2.7.6 COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/caddy /usr/bin/caddy ``` [major/caddy on GitHub](https://github.com/major/caddy) ---- A GitHub Actions [workflow](https://github.com/major/caddy/blob/main/.github/workflows/docker-publish.yml) builds the container,
but how do we update to new caddy versions when they're available?  [Renovate](https://www.mend.io/renovate/) watches for updates and makes pull requests automatically. ----  ---- GitHub serves the container images:  ---- ### Our customized caddy container: Builds in GitHub Actions Is served to the world via GitHub packages Gets PRs automatically from Renovate for updates ---- ## Auto-merge is possible! I'm not using it yet, but you can allow Renovate to automatically merge these updates if your CI succeeds. I prefer to review these for now. ---- Add a new service for Caddy: ```yaml # Add under services in docker-compose.yml caddy: image: ghcr.io/major/caddy:main container_name: caddy ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile:Z - caddy_data:/data - caddy_config:/config ``` ---- Add two volumes for Caddy: ```yaml # Add at the bottom of docker-compose.yml volumes: caddy_data: caddy_config: ``` 👍 These are important for holding the TLS certificate data! ---- Build a Caddy configuration file: ```caddy { email me@example.com acme_dns porkbun { api_key pk1_KEY api_secret_key sk1_KEY } } example.com { reverse_proxy librespeed:80 } ``` Place this in `./caddy/Caddyfile` ---- Just a few last things to do: ```bash # Ensure our containers start on reboot. sudo systemctl enable --now docker.service # Add our user (core by default) to the docker group sudo usermod --append --groups docker core # Allow user processes (our containers) to "linger" # if we log out loginctl enable-linger core ``` ---- ## Time to shine! ```bash docker-compose up --detach ``` --- Let's recap each step we've done here: ---- ## Caddy Renovate watches for new caddy versions and sends us a pull request for updates GitHub builds the caddy container in a workflow GitHub serves the caddy container
for machines to pull it ---- ## Watchtower Watches for new versions of our custom caddy container as well as librespeed Pulls the new, updated containers
down to our CoreOS host Restarts the container automatically ---- ## CoreOS Pulls new base OS updates on a regular interval Reboots itself into the updated version Reverts to the previous revision if the boot fails ---- The only cost so far is a machine to run CoreOS. # 😉 ---- You have plenty of deployment choices:  (including that old machine under your desk) 😜 ---- ## Final thoughts ---- # 🛡️ Since you're updating containers automatically,
ensure your container updates
come from a reliable source! (Or build and host the containers yourself!) ---- # 🩺 Add external monitoring or health checks
via docker-compose to know if an
update caused a problem. ---- # 🚚 Make backups frequently!
New containers often have database migrations included and when those don't work, it's a long day. --- # Thank you! 💕 ----
Major Hayden major@mhtx.net [major.io](https://major.io)
 Get the slides here 👆 [txlf24-containers.major.io](https://txlf24-containers.major.io)